Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dedication Day

On Wednesday, September 30th we had the wonderful opportunity to dedicate the new wall mural. In honor of the brave men and women of our US Armed Forces, the wall was dedicated at a ceremony that included Illinois State Representative Jim Watson, active duty Army and Navy personnel, VFW, American Legion, Sheriff Petty, the Pittsfield Police & Fire departments, and over 50 community members. Becky McCartney sang the national anthem and speeches were given by Syndy Miller, Rep. Watson and Durrell Miller. Following the dedication ceremony, veterans were invited to 'sign' the wall with their names, branch of service, & dates of service. We were honored to have 3 WWII veterans in attendance along with numerous veterans from the Korean War, Vietnam War and Gulf Era Wars. Thank you to all our Veterans for your service to our great country!

God Bless America.

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