Tuesday, June 1, 2010

SURVIVOR: Becky McCartney

Becky McCartney
September 26, 2008

I will remember that Friday for the rest of my life. I believed my husband and I were going to see the doctor so she could tell me…..it was just some overactive milk glands, or protein deposits. I never believed she would say, “I don’t have good news……….”

So, my husband cried and I laughed. Not because I thought what she said was funny – it was simply a release of the emotions inside of me. At the time all I could think was that this was a major inconvenience in my life….and when it was all over – I was going to have a party!

Being diagnosed with breast cancer wasn’t a shock to me. My mother was diagnosed at the age of 36 and died when she was 42. My great-aunt also died at a young age from this disease, so we knew it ran in the family. Regardless of what the experts say – breast cancer was always lingering in our thoughts.

Because of my mother’s young diagnosis I had annual mammograms starting in my early 20’s. I can tell you this – I never thought those annual visits were a “gift.” If you had asked me I may have called them a curse…..but now I consider myself one of the lucky ones – and I owe it to my mommy……I had a double mastectomy on October 29th. I had tested positive for the BRCA gene (and have since found out that my sister and my niece are also carriers of this gene) and wanted to leave as little opportunity as I could for breast cancer to return. I followed up with 16 rounds of chemotherapy, an oopherectomy in June (removal of my ovaries) and final breast reconstruction in September of this year.

I am cancer free. I am blessed with a husband and four beautiful children. I love my life and I love living it. I am often asked if I feel like having cancer changed me. Yes – without a doubt, it had an effect on my life. I am a Christian and do not believe for one minute that God gave me this disease….but God has taken this disease and helped to make me a better person……and looking back I can see that I needed to be a better person.

I am so thankful that I will have the rest of my life to say, “I am a survivor.”

If you would like to support Becky and the Komen Cure, please send your silent bid for the framed print "Morning Mist" to Studioonthesquare@gmail.com. 100% of proceeds from this auction benefit Becky's 3Day Walk.

Bidding opens at 2PM on June 1st and ends at 2PM CST on June 10th. Let's raise some money!!

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